Leading Yourself

Acting with transparency and integrity, not hiding your limits.
Water Pumps Production DAB Employee portrait
a hand holding a scale of justice


with high integrity, showing respect and transparency in daily relationships.

an fleshlight with a light coming out of it

Make visible

any mistake or issue, with the aim of improving and learning from them.

a yellow hand with two fingers forming ok symbol


with a “can-do” attitude: look at any complexity, setback, or challenge as an opportunity to create a competitive advantage.

a picture of a man with a board cover his face in half

Do not

act with prejudice; hide things and facts, or only share part of the facts which may be misleading.

It’s not about making zero mistakes. It’s about leaving zero mistakes unfixed.

How can you concretely act now?

Below you can find some quick tutorials and resources to learn an actionable strategy to live a better and satisfying life in DAB.

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10 = completely
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