Employee Motivation Survey: all voices matter.

a pink clipboard

An opportunity for all employees to provide feedback on DAB and for the company to understand what areas need to be addressed over time. A chance to let our voice be heard.

a pink shield with a lock on it

We have been partnering with Ennova. Participation is voluntary and survey responses are completely confidential. Responses will allow to get anonymous functional reports teams can discuss and take as first step to take actions to strengthen the individual and team’s satisfaction and motivation levels.

a pink hand

A set of drivers and questions to investigate our workplace: not only the company takes action but all employees can reflect, take responsibility and feel empowered to propose and make the needed changes for a better working environment.


We created EMS to maintain a clear view of DAB's workforce sentiments. Data, opinions, and suggestions serve as the foundation for envisioning a better future, initiating useful projects, and enhancing experiences.

Listening is helping.


Goal #1

Measure the satisfaction and motivation of all of us at DAB.

Goal #3

EMS is a chance to let DAB collaborators voice be heard.

Goal #2

Identify areas in which we can work to make a real difference.